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Saturday, February 26, 2011

miss A Jia and Fei to cameo in Dream High!

Jia's weibo posts:

2月25日 19:39 这是发生什么事了?这位大叔麻烦你和我走一趟!!!想知道发生什么事吗?期待dream high吧!哈哈!!(What's happening? Uncle, please come with me!! Want to know what's going on? Make sure to watch dream high! Haha!!)
Can you guys find Suzy?(Ans: The girl who wearing black spectacles and posing lol)

2月25日 23:59 今天和삼동이~~也来了一张!!他的演技可不是盖的!(Today with Samdong~~Another photo~~His acting is excellent!)

Fei's weibo posts:

2月25日 21:56 我想说我也挺合适这身!嘿嘿! 猜我今天干嘛去啦!( I want to say that I'm also suited in this wear! Hey! Guess what I'm going to do today la! )

2月25日 23:20  对!我就是去客串dream high了! 快冻僵我了今天! 拍戏真的太辛苦了,在加上是大冬天!真是体会到dream high 演员们的辛苦!马上就要大结局了!希望一直关注的童鞋 继续关注!还没关注的童鞋 马上立刻看喔!(Yes! I'm going to have a cameo appearance in dream high! I'm freezing today! Filming a drama isn't that easy especially in the cold winter! I really appreciate the hard work of the actors of dream high! It nearly comes to end! I hope you all stay tuned on dream high! If you have not concerned about this drama   watch it immediately oh !)

Translation: Cathie(dreaminu)

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